Monday, September 3, 2012

My Bucket List: An Independent Reading List

1. The Shining by Stephen King
I grew up watching horror movies, many of which being based on Stephen King novels because my dad collects them. More recently, I rewatched the orignal The Shining movie with Jack Nicholson and the three-disk made for TV series. Both movies share many similarities and differences in the story and set-up which gave me the urge to read the book that they are based on.

2. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Getting into my senior year I've already started looking and applying for colleges. I discovered that on most college applications they require you to list five to ten examples of classic literature you've read within the past year. Not only is The Catcher in the Rye considered a classic but from what I've heard, it tells a good story.

3. Will Greyson, Will Greyson by John Green
Honestly, I don't know much about this book besides the fact that Olivia is obsessed with this author and highly recommended this book to me. She gave me a brief plot-overview and I think it will have a good story line. John Green also seems to be a pretty esteemed author judging from what many people have told me.

4. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
I already know I love Stephen King from reading Salem's Lot and watching so many of his movies. My dad recommended The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and told me how it was about a girl who gets lost deep in the woods and her love for baseball player, Tom Gordon keeps her sane and helps her make it through. The story seems really gripping and I would really like to read another one of his books.

5. Cut by Patricia McCormick
Over the past year or two I have come across many people who have read Cut and praise the book. I read one of its brief plot summaries and it caught my attention. The compelling story of a fifteen year-old girl who deals with her issues by cutting herself really hooked me.

6. Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews
Both of my parents have read this book and really like it. It's about the story of three children who, when their father dies in a tragic car accident, are left to look to their mother for food and financial security. But because she has never worked, she does not posess any special skills to acquire a job of her own and must ask for help from her millionaire parents. The only problem is, her parents consider the children the 'spawn of Satan' and must be kept in the dark, musty attic at all times. The book tells of the children's lives in the attic and their struggle to get out alive.

7. Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
I'm almost positive this book is considered a classic. I found it in one of our book shelves at home and read the back. I like creepy, ghost books and Something Wicked This Way Comes is about a carnival of spirits that comes to a different town around Halloween every year. I love a good ghost story and I've been told that Ray Bradbury is a very good author too.

8. Carrie by Stephen King
Now more than ever, the story behind Carrie interests me. Experiencing my teenage years, the good and bad, I find myself being able to relate to Carrie's character much more. High school is tough no matter who you are. Once again, I love Stephen King, I've seen the movie, and would really love to read the book that it's based off of.

9. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Lord of the Flies was one of the first movies I considered 'scary.' I remember being about seven, flipping through the channels, unaware of what I was about to watch. It terrified me, but now being older, its concept and story line seem much more appealing. My dad has read the book and strongly advises me to read it.

10. The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
I saw the movie The Silence of the Lambs a couple years ago and found it really interesting. The book revolves around a young FBI trainee, Clarice Starling, as she interviews widely known and feared serial killer, Dr. Hannibal Lecter also known as Hannibal the Cannibal. I would like to pursue a career in the FBI and interviews from criminals and those who are mentally unstable always interest me.

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