Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Abusive Relationships in Teens.

Why do girls stay in abusive relationships? There's really no good answer. "1 in 3 teenagers report knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped, choked or physically hurt by their partner," states an article from T.E.A.R. (Teens Experiencing Abusive Relationships). 80% of girls who have been abused in their relationships continue to date their abuser. Also, of the girls murdered ages 15-19, 30% of them were killed by their boyfriends/husbands. I think that girls stay with their abusers for many different reasons; they think jelousy and posessiveness is a sign of love, they don't think they would ever love someone else, believe their partner will change, have low self-esteem and so on. I know that it's hard to imagine leaving someone that you've been with for a long time and you can't really picture what it would be like without them. It could be unbareable. But I think girls should just take that chance, they will find someone who really cares for them sooner or later. Nothing is worth getting bruises and broken bones over. Physical abuse isn't the only form of abuse, verbal abuse is somewhat even more common in teen relationships. 71% of girls have experienced verbal aggression after 1 year in a relationship. Verbal abuse can be damaging to the girl's self-esteem because it's a never-ending chain of constant down-put and yelling. That would be so horrible, yet so many girl's feelings for their partner do not change after the abuse. Physical and verbal abuse is increasing every year in teen relationships, something needs to be done.

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