Monday, November 1, 2010

11 is enough..

The other day I came across an article in the newspapter that caught my eye. The article was about the vice president of the Midland school board, Clint McCance. McCance strongly disapproves of homosexuality and had been writing his own crued opinions about the gay population on facebook. I understand that we live in the south and that most people don't like the idea of gay and lesbian couples or marriage but there is no need to go on a public rant. The article states that McCance commented on how people that support gay relationships wore purple on the 3rd Wednesday of October to honor the 11 suicides of gay teens in September. It just breaks my heart that so many teenagers took their own life because of all the torment they endured because of their homosexuality. It usually takes a lot of teasing and bullying for someone to kill themself, so I can't even imagine what those kids went through at school and maybe even at home. Someone who is on the school board should be understanding of these issues, not bash them on a social network. Believe it or not, many teen suicides are triggered by websites like facebook and myspace. Cyber bullying can be just as hurtful and take just as big of a toll on a confused teen's life as physical bullying. I am a Church of Christ christian so I don't neccessarily promote gay and lesbian relationships but I am not against them. It's their own life and they should be allowed to marry whom ever they choose. There have already been 11 teen suicides in the U.S., how many more do you need, McCance?


  1. I approve this message.
    And nice rhetorical question at the end.. smart. ;)

  2. Amen! My husband knows Mr. McCance, and we were so horrified by the situation. I can't imagine a school official being so cruel on a public forum. I know people argued that his Facebook was supposed to be private, but everyone involved in education is aware that Facebook is NEVER private! Anything we say can be sent out to the world! Someone with that little tolerance and common sense has no business anywhere near a school.
