Friday, September 17, 2010

Blog Post Attempt #2

Wellll, this isn't really my first post. But I deleted the other one.
So let's give this another try :)

Anyways, today.. is Friday!
Oh, and I took my written driver's test yesterday, passed with a 92.
Haha, Olivia :)
I actually just got back from practicing my driving..
So no game for me to go to tonight, awesome.
And... I can sleep in tomorrow :D
Oh. My. Gosh.
I swear I haven't slept in since summer band /:
Then, Maisie's Sweet 16 tomorrow also.
We gonna paaartay :)
[By the way] I have a Twitter. You should follow me.
I get excited when I have new followers :)
So today was an A day. I hate A days.
Mr. Goodwin 1st.. When I'm still sleepy and that's probably the most boring class I've ever taken. Prancers 2nd.. I sweat. Then lunch, and advisory. I like my advirsory class, Coach Howard is hilarious. 3rd is Spanish I, Mrs. Settle is crazy. Thankfully we had a sub today.
And 4th is band, it's still hot outside so it sucks. But it's alright in the mornings on B days.
Yeah, my day was pretty average.
I might write again.. Sometime.. I dunno.

Well bye :)

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