Friday, September 24, 2010

The measures models go to...

You may have heard of the new show, hosted by Jessica Simpson, The Price of Beauty. In the show Jessica and two friends travel the world to various countries to see what their culture's idea of beauty truly is. This past summer I was mindlessly flipping through channels and suddenly stopped on Mtv. The Price of Beauty was on and it was the episode where they visited Paris, France.
As know, Paris is pretty much the fashion central of the world. So while there, they visited some top fashion shows and talked to one specific model, Isabelle Caro. Caro is a former model and suffering with probably the most severe case of anorexia I have ever seen. In the interview Caro explained that a designer told her she had to lose 22 pounds if she ever wanted to model. Isabelle Caro now weighs only about sixty-two pounds. There aren't that many things that really bother me, but this is definately one of them. I don't think you should have to be super skinny to be a model. Ribs, shoulder blades, and a spine sticking out of your body is not attractive... Or healthy. A few years ago, Caro was in a coma and was expected to die. Although she has started eating more now, she is still at an unhealthy weight.
It is unbelievable to think about how many young girls have been torn down and forced to lose weight by the modeling industry. Not only do they develop awful eating habits, but also self esteem issues because they're constantly reminded they're not skinny enough. Girls are constantly battling with low self esteem, anorexia, and bulimia because they think they have to be tiny to be pretty. I don't think the modeling industry realizes what their harsh weight qualifications are really causing..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blog Post Attempt #2

Wellll, this isn't really my first post. But I deleted the other one.
So let's give this another try :)

Anyways, today.. is Friday!
Oh, and I took my written driver's test yesterday, passed with a 92.
Haha, Olivia :)
I actually just got back from practicing my driving..
So no game for me to go to tonight, awesome.
And... I can sleep in tomorrow :D
Oh. My. Gosh.
I swear I haven't slept in since summer band /:
Then, Maisie's Sweet 16 tomorrow also.
We gonna paaartay :)
[By the way] I have a Twitter. You should follow me.
I get excited when I have new followers :)
So today was an A day. I hate A days.
Mr. Goodwin 1st.. When I'm still sleepy and that's probably the most boring class I've ever taken. Prancers 2nd.. I sweat. Then lunch, and advisory. I like my advirsory class, Coach Howard is hilarious. 3rd is Spanish I, Mrs. Settle is crazy. Thankfully we had a sub today.
And 4th is band, it's still hot outside so it sucks. But it's alright in the mornings on B days.
Yeah, my day was pretty average.
I might write again.. Sometime.. I dunno.

Well bye :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

"I, Too, Sing America" Introductary Paragraph.

In the poem "I, Too, Sing America" by Langston Hughes, the man's optimistic determination is showed by how he is treated so badly because of his color but he believes in his country and knows things will get better. Although many do not treat him as an equal, it doesn't reflect on his attitude. In the line, "They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes, but I laugh and eat well." It shows how he knows they are wrong and will soon realize it when things do change for the better.